Attention: If you are quietly unhappy with your life, and feel there is something horribly wrong with yourself and the world, yet you know you were born for something more, and you’re ready to know the truth, then this will be the most important exposé you will ever read.
A virus that lives in your subconscious mind… 

Infecting first, your thoughts, your emotions and then your entire energy body.

Forcing you to self destruct morally, socially, sexually and spiritually more and more each day …

While slowly making you a prisoner of your own life, enslaving you from the moment you wake up to the second your head hits the pillow at night.

Recently declassified C.I.A. documents confirm this is real.

Celebrities are speaking out, raising awareness and trying to stop it.

But by the time you read this expose, it might already be too late.

My name is Leslie McQuade. I’m a leader of a well known Mystery School. 

I have dedicated the last 11 1/2 years working with scientists, researchers and sociologists to find a way to stop this mental virus that’s already estimated to be infecting 142 Million Americans.

Perhaps the scariest thing is its symptoms come on slowly, you may never even realize the mistakes you keep making and failures you experience are the result of this psychic parasite…

Until it finally consumes your soul and forces you to give up on your hopes and dreams, only to become a mindless consumer slave of the system with no other purpose in life.

In this shocking exposé, I’m going to show you how this Mental Virus spreads from person to person, and a simple test you can do to find out if you, or someone you love, has been infected.

And, if so, how to cure this Mental Virus before it completely destroys your life.

I’m also going to expose the secret government cover up that allowed this to happen, and how they are now scrambling to hide the truth as more people come forward.
Notice: The information I’m about to share with you is controversial because this Mind Virus is spread through a loved and trusted source:
In the next few minutes, I’m going to reveal the dark underbelly of mass control - powerful influencers like Hollywood, the C.I.A., the F.B.I., even U.S. presidents - that they prayed the public would never know. It’s a vile maze of corruption that makes your average criminal look like a saint.

They have been injecting this Mind Virus into you and everyone you know since the day you were born, and they’ve spent trillions of dollars to keep it spreading each day while hiding it in plain sight.

But it’s time someone found a cure.

That’s why I’ve spent a large amount of my own personal money to create this expose they do NOT want you to read. I am risking my life by revealing what you will discover today.

I don’t expect you to believe everything you read without doing your own research, which I encourage you to do. All I ask is that you put aside your disbelief as you read the proof I’m about to show you, and make up your own mind.

So, if you are serious about changing your life and protecting your friends and family, turn off all distractions, take a seat, and make sure you read every word of this expose before they force me to take it down - or worse.

Now, it all started because ...
The year was 1945. The Great War was over.

Soldiers flooded the streets as yearning wives embraced their husbands who made it home safely, and others mourned the loss of those who gave their lives for our freedom.

American men brought home with them a new vigor for life. A huge baby boom led to new hopes and dreams for families across the nation with hopes and dreams of a bright future.

However - along with bringing home this new zest from winning the war …

The United States government brought home something much more sinister...
This was just the beginning...
In 1946, President Truman made it official, that...
 A top secret program called “Operation Paperclip” smuggled an estimated 765 Nazi scientists, doctors, engineers and technicians into America to learn their secrets (with many more off record). 
Why? Because an arms race with America’s sworn enemy, Soviet Russia, had already begun.

Both sides were in a panic.

What began a race of superior knowledge, with both sides scrambling to be the first to build the nuclear bomb and gain the ultimate advantage over the other, became known by 1947 as The Cold War,

However, that wasn’t the only thing they were after.

There was one thing discovered inside Nazi concentration camps what was perhaps even more powerful...

A psychological virus that gave its wielder complete control of the human mind.
Nazi Germany was a living hell of death camps that not only exterminated and cremated millions of people, but also did ghastly experiments on live human beings - both physical, emotional and psychological.

In 1943, Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the Angel of Death, was in charge of the most terrifying death camp of them all - Auschwitz.

A psychopathic physician who would give innocent Jewish children candy and a pat on the head before sending them for experimentation ... and ultimately execution.

They called him Uncle, and minutes later, he would smile while doing vile things with no remorse.

This monster was in a quest to test the capacity for all human limits. This included torture, poison, radiation, and every terrible thing you can think of - even sexually.
The Angel of Death Experimenting
on Young Children
It was while experimenting on young children that Mengele made his evil discovery.

A process to completely infect a person’s consciousness, with what he called, a “virus of the mind.”

Once infected, the subject would completely forget who they are, submit their will, and do what they are told without question - without even knowing it.

It was a new discovery, that before, only lived in the world of Black Magickk and devil worship - now crafted into a sinister science.

This was a power that the United States was dying to get their hands on - especially before their greatest enemy did - Soviet Russia.
In 1947, President Truman directly assigned the CIA to handle all covert psychological operations.

Many CIA scientists jumped at the chance to learn secrets from these Nazi scientists who - although they performed horrific experiments on live human patients that led to their torturous death - were complete experts in breaking down the mind and rebuilding it.

There was much interest in mind control by the CIA already. But now, the Nazis had developed - at least in its early stages - a mental virus for total enslavement that the C.I.A. could weaponize.

CIA director Allen Dulles became obsessed with the work of Mengele, and demanded that the United States stay ahead in the race - no matter the cost.

He started two early programs that, as declassified CIA documents reveal, that shared Mengele’s vision of mental enslavement.

In 1952, the Navy started a covert operation called Operation Bluebird to program their own soldiers to withstand interrogation techniques.
 The official CIA report states that the objectives of Operation Bluebird (Artichoke) were as follows: 
Can we create by post-[hypnotic] control an action contrary to an individual's moral principles?
Can we "alter" a person's personality?
What would be the fastest way to induce SI and H conditions?
Can we "condition" by post-H [hypnotic] suggestion to agency employees to prevent them from giving information to any unauthorized source?
Can we by H and SI techniques force a subject to travel long distances, commit specified acts and return to us or bring documents or materials?
Can we in a matter of an hour, one day, etc., induce an H condition in an unwilling subject to such an extent that he will perform an act for our benefit?
Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour or two by post-H control have him crash an airplane, wreck a train, etc.?
Can we guarantee total amnesia under any and all conditions?
Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing agents, and then transfer control to agency agents in the field by use of codes or identifying signs? P. 13, 14
In other words … “Can we get people to do anything we want them to, against their will?”
What the public didn’t realize was that the horrors of the Holocaust wasn’t over... it had just moved to the United States.

For years, the practice of human experimentation continued.

Then, In 1953, Allen Dulles saw an even greater potential to expand his new power to greater realms with a new operation.

This new program sent a wildfire of rumors through the CIA. The members involved swore an oath to never reveal their secrets.

Unlike previous programs, this time it wasn’t just about beating Russia in the war ...

It was about controlling its own citizens.
Dulles knew there were two things he must accomplish in order to fully control the masses. His brother, John Foster Dulles, was secretary of state, and let Allen get away with anything, covering up most of what he had done.

As long as his brother held that chair, Allen Dulles was above the law.

The first, was to create a mechanism for controlling minds.

The second, was to make sure that mechanism was in front of every man, woman and child possible.

And that’s exactly what he did.

In 1953, Dulles launched two operations. Mk Ultra and Mockingbird.
While MK Ultra focused on how to brainwash people and control their mind, Operation Mockingbird focused on controlling the flow of information distributed to the public.

Mk Ultra was the next step in trauma based mind control for the purpose of creating a total mind controlled slave. It was a human experimentation play ground where they did everything from torture to dose unsuspected members of the public with LSD.

They knew that, by infecting a subject with high exposure to the Mind Virus, they could create the perfect assassin, sex slave, carrier of messages - all without the original personality ever knowing.

Mengele’s work of human experimentation was still running strong, and now with the CIA’s full backing, it grew larger than ever before, splitting into 140 sub projects that included 44 colleges or universities, 15 research institutions, 12 hospitals, and 3 penal institutions - all employing 185 non-government researchers and assistants in the pursuit of behavior modification.
As a declassified CIA document reveals, there were 15 categories of sub-projects focused on things like:
Effects of behavior drugs & alcohol: 6 subprojects involving tests on unwitting human beings.
Hypnosis: 8 subprojects, including two involving hypnosis and drugs in combination.
Single subprojects in such areas as the effects of electroshock, harassment techniques, analysis of extrasensory perception [ESP], and gas propelled sprays and aerosols.
Meanwhile, Dulles’ second project, Operation Mockingbird, was gaining huge support.
Declassified documents reveal Operation Mockingbird employed more than 50 American Journalists or employees of U.S. media organizations.

And, that over a dozen U.S. news organizations provided cover for the C.I.A. in other countries, whether they knew it or not.

Journalists were wiretapped to ensure they weren’t saying the wrong things, and stories were planted by paid journalists that would then filter down to your local news channel.
Allen Dulles brought these Nazi scientists together while at the same time securing control over the airwaves.

A move that would make George Washington roll over in his grave.

This was the beginning of a massive plan to refine this Mind Virus to infect the entire country on a much lower, and undetectable level - slowly dumbing you down, desensitizing you, and conditioning you to obey.

Fortunately, for the citizens of the United States has a champion that was willing to stand up for them.
John F Kennedy was a man of the people. He was a man of morals and values who led this country with his heart.

He inspired millions in his speeches and made a real impact in people’s lives.

He also knew of the Mind Virus, and who was behind it. He was willing to stop at nothing to save America from total enslavement.

On April 27, 1961, Pesident Kennedy gave a speech, exposing what was really going on in the Government he swore to protect and serve:
 “For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match." 
- John F. Kennedy 
A year and ½ later, President Kennedy was assassinated, and after lying to the public for decades, the “JFK Files of 2017” at last revealed that there was more than one shooter. The newly declassified Surgeon General’s report states clearly that Kennedy was also shot from the front as it appeared all along in the Zapruder film, and not merely by a lone gunman from behind.

It was the greatest deliberate cover up in modern history. The 2017 JFK files contain a memo, where FBI director J. Edgar Hoover writes: “"The thing I am concerned having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."

Kennedy was getting too close, and they eliminated him.

With him out of the way, the Mind Virus could easily be spread to hypnotize the public into believing anything they wanted.

All they needed was the right weapon of influence.
While the dust was settling from the assassination of JFK…

MKUltra was quietly developing new mind control slaves to serve three purposes in their sinister plot in spreading the new Mind Virus throughout the country.
This included …
Assassinations: Mind controlled slaves to be programmed to abandon all self-preservation and become trained killers without even knowing it. This would be important for not only assassinating liabilities, but to terrorize the public in a later part of the plan.
Propaganda: Perfect performers who become role models for kids and adored by millions. The perfect mouthpiece for whatever message they wanted to send. And a total monopoly on the entertainment industry, since normal humans couldn’t even compare.
Sex Slavery: Yes, even at a very young age. In fact, this is common practice. Often times, MKUltra slaves had a “sex kitten” personality that any handler could activate with the right hypnotic words.
In 1975, a committee was formed by Frank Church, a U.S. Senator from Idaho.

The committee was determined to expose wrongdoings of the FBI, CIA, NSA and IRS.

Allen Dulles’ programs quickly came under fire and it seemed that the people still had a fighting chance.

That summer, the Church Committee began investigating MK Ultra, and it was the first time the public was ever told that their own government had been doing human experiments - not only on patients in a lab … but on them.
However, new CIA director Richard Helms - Dulles’ replacement - “happened” to destroy over 20,000 MKUltra files two years prior, so there was nothing they could do.

By the time the Church Committee caught up to them, the mind control programs had already changed their names and had gone completely underground.

Every time the truth started to come out, these dark criminals were always one step ahead.
Mockingbird, on the other hand, was a wide open book.
It turns out, the CIA DID in fact have journalists on the payroll, that were being used by the government to filter their stories and cover their tracks.
A Church Committee report published in 1976 reveals about Mockingbird:
“Approximately 50 of the [Agency] assets are individual American journalists or employees of U.S. media organizations. Of these, fewer than half are "accredited" by U.S. media organizations ... The remaining individuals are non-accredited freelance contributors and media representatives abroad ...

...More than a dozen United States news organizations and commercial publishing houses formerly provided cover for CIA agents abroad. A few of these organizations were unaware that they provided this cover”
It had become loud and clear that a dark cabal within the CIA was influencing all forms of news and media, only showing you the stories that THEY wanted you to see.

But by then, the public was already too far gone, thanks to another mind control device that was released in 1953 - the same year as MKUltra and Mockingbird - that had finally infiltrated every home in the United States.
They already had the perfect brainwashing tool implanted in almost every home in America.
And even while the public was being told their news was being altered, thanks to the good people in the Church Committee - it didn’t matter.

By this point, the Mind Virus had already taken effect, and no one seemed to care.

There was only one more piece of the puzzle to establish complete and total control.
The Perfect Brainwashing Tool
The Mind Virus was spreading faster than ever.
The unaware public was getting more and more plugged into their televisions. New television “programs” were coming out all the time. More and more people became glued to their sets - obsessed with the latest sports game, talk show, soap opera - the list goes on.

Everything seemed to be going according to plan...

But there were still two big problems standing in their way of completely dominating the airwaves, and therefore, your mind.

Those two things were government regulations.

Since the first days of broadcasting, the FCC held TV stations to a high standard of ethics, demanding that there was fair and accurate information being distributed that always showed both sides of the story. Advertising time was limited. The TRUTH stood above all.

They even had a limit that one entity couldn’t own more than 7 stations at a time, so that not one company could filter all of the news.

This was a problem for the war criminals because that meant they could not dominate the airwaves with one-sided news stories and emotional propaganda … yet.

But that was soon to change. And President Ronald Reagan was just the man to do it.

In 1985, he slowly increased that number of stations from 7 to 12, and lifted restrictions on advertising.

Then, in 1987, he eliminated the “Fairness Doctrine” - a restriction that has been there since they founded the FCC.

This doctrine granted TV stations licenses as “public trustees,” meaning, they were required to cover BOTH sides of opposing points of view - especially in the news.

In other words, removing this doctrine meant you literally could not trust the news anymore because it was now as biased as they wanted.
The truth wasn’t required anymore.
The last thing preventing a total monopoly over information at that time was a restriction on how many stations one Company could own. This was in place so that there would be fair news reporting and that no one could have more influence over anyone else.

That cap was lifted in 1995 by President Clinton, so that any one company could own as many stations as they wanted. It was only a matter of time before there was a total monopoly of the information that came through your screen.

To make matters worse, by 2012 the last bit of legislation protecting you from domestic propaganda was silently removed by The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

By 2013, fake news was born under the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The State Department and Pentagon now had mass media as their helpless puppets as propaganda began to seep into every aspect of society.

All the pieces were in place. It was only a matter of time.
Fast forward to today.

The current year is 2024.

At this time, 6 corporations control all broadcasting networks across the United States, all delivering the same heavily filtered news rhetoric that comes from the top, delivered by cookie cutter anchors reading teleprompter talking points.

The news is COMPLETELY controlled by the CIA, and beyond that, TV shows are full of social programming, and everyone now has a screen and tracking system right in their pocket.

Big tech, such as Facebook, Twitter and Google, have taken censorship to a new level by filtering information you receive… while simultaneously stealing information you own.
6 Corporations control all the networks!
Presidents are banned while dictators are praised.

Pandemic psyops have driven common folk mad, while big pharma rakes in money hand over fist.

Now we find ourselves even on the brink of nuclear holicaust as major media outlets promote propaganda narratives in the Kabuki of war.

Each day, the world is spiraling closer and closer towards chaos.
Brainwashing is the norm.
People are acting insane, emotional, and irrational in ways the world has never seen.

Violence. Outbursts. Inhumane behavior.

Complete and utter insanity.

Dark forces have successfully infected the majority of the world with this Mind Virus pandemic and have created a society of disconnected slaves.
There are five ways this psychic parasite keeps spreading:
Fear: Perpetrated by the well groomed media. Threats of terrorism and now mass shootings, performed by Mind controlled slaves. Creates a culture of fear to gain consent of the masses to go to war.
Intimidation: Local police have been heavily militarized and are no longer considered “public servants” but as “law enforcement.” This creates a mass Stockholm syndrome that makes everyone submit and obey.
Distraction: Hollywood gossip and constant drama, usually performed by Mind controlled slaves, invade the airwaves to distract the public from the real issues, as they exploit tragedies and secretly impose the will of the state.
Divide & Conquer: People are constantly split into two sides that oppose each other. Republican vs Democrat. Black vs white. Rich vs poor. These competing narratives keep people fighting and against one another, while they dangle the strings above and control both sides.
Dark Seduction: With all this emotional discord, the public tries to escape into entertainment, only to be met by more and more Black Magick symbolism, references, and characters, without even noticing. Videos with satanic themes and fake cannibal rituals. This mass desensitization and spiritual violence only serves to make us more susceptible to obey, regardless of morals and values, so that dark spirituality becomes a popular alternative to the light.
Mass shootings. Degradation. Black Magick symbolism being shoved in front of the faces of millions at each Super Bowl halftime show, and every major sporting event.
All performed by mind control parasites, infecting you with this nasty virus.
All ways to infect the mind with this one mental virus that makes you unable to resist.

Keeping you scared and obedient so you keep working like a rat on a wheel.

Keeping your friends and family hypnotized and plugged into consumerism.

Keeping you and the people you love under control, whether you know it or not.

America is now at a tipping point where popular culture is embracing the very evil that is manipulating them.

And, in just a moment, I will show you a simple solution for reclaiming control of your destiny and manifesting the abundant life you’ve already earned.
If you were born after 1945, you’ve been exposed to this sneaky Mind Virus most of your life.

It’s not always easy to spot, or to admit that you have it. But even if you were somehow born immune, and you never contracted the Mind Virus…

Your mother, your father, your siblings, your cousins, your teachers, your pastor, your doctors, and even your favorite actors are infected.

Look around you, and see who in your life has any of these symptoms:
Mental Symptoms Include…
  • Feeling recurring fear of loss
  • Caring deeply about people's opinions
  • Feeling hesitant to express yourself
  • Believing there's no hope
  • Experiencing unexplainable paranoia
  • Struggling with a poor self-image
  • Falling into self-sabotage
  • Indulging in negative self-talk
  • Feeling uncertain about your purpose
  • Tending to overthink situations
Emotional Symptoms Are…
  • Sensing a void inside
  • Undergoing fleeting heartbreak
  • Finding refuge in fantasy
  • Turning to stress eating
  • Battling small addictions
  • Harboring a nagging dread of the future
  • Criticizing yourself for failures
  • Being hard on yourself
  • Letting go of your dreams
  • Feeling there's no hope
Social Symptoms Involve…
  • Feeling like an outcast
  • Encountering awkward moments
  • Experiencing fear around the opposite sex
  • Preferring solitude
  • Making comparisons with others
  • Enduring ridicule from cliques
  • Feeling anxious when speaking
  • Desiring to hide your face
  • Facing challenges connecting with others
  • Yearning to be someone else
Physical Symptoms Comprise Of…
  • Noticing weight gain
  • Suffering from low energy
  • Exhibiting lethargic movement
  • Experiencing sleepless nights
  • Feeling an internal physical depression
  • Dealing with stress-related hair loss
  • Having wounds that linger
  • Experiencing disgust with your body
  • Feeling ashamed of your appearance
  • Showing a lack of motivation
Professional Symptoms Look Like...
  • Feeling overlooked by authority
  • Putting on a fake persona at work
  • Facing difficulties advancing in your career
  • Worrying about job security
  • Pursuing something other than your passion
  • Feeling trapped in a monotonous job
  • Holding resentment towards your boss
  • Noticing a lack of promotional opportunities
  • Reevaluating your career choices
  • Dreading waking up for work
If you said yes to any of these symptoms, then you are likely quietly suffering from the effects of the Mind Virus.
Why what they are doing, is working.

You may feel it yourself. Even if it’s not you, it’s your brothers, sisters, mother, father, uncle, aunt,. They’ve all been infected since the day they were born.

To understand the virus, and to cure it forever so you can live a better life, you must first understand the environment where the virus lives.

The subconscious mind.

 95% of your brain activity occurs in your subconscious mind. 

It is the engine that drives the plane.

It has its own agenda, its own desires, its own patterns, and its own power.

It’s also where your belief system lives, which is simply the things in your life you see as true or false.

Beliefs shape our reality and change our behavior. It’s a power so strong, some people are willing to die for them.
A healthy belief system is formed between the ages of 6 months and 7 years old. With it comes morals, values, and the ability to trust another human being.

However - sometimes we take on beliefs that we did not choose. And when they come true, we believe they are true. And the more we see them as true, the more we take on them as permanent beliefs we never question again.

It only gets stronger and stronger as it grows inside your subconscious mind - even if someone gave it to you against your will … just like a virus.

This is a critical part of how the Mind Virus operates.
It attacks your subconscious mind over and over again until you change what you believe, and forces you to change how you act, think and feel every day.
With extreme exposure comes instant dissociation. Sometimes, a complete personality split can stop a person's heart because their minds literally cannot handle what is happening to them. If they don’t die, they lose their conscious mind, becoming perfect mind controlled slaves.

In smaller doses - like the doses doled out by the mass media - simply start numbing a person emotionally, desensitizing them spiritually, and make them willing to accept terrible things that happen as “just the way things are” as they get more and more apathetic towards life - eventually heading down a self destructive path of slavery.

No matter how deadly the infection - the impact is always the same.
Losing control of your own life.
The secret virus that Mengele discovered could infect the mind against a person’s will, split their personalities, and program them as mind controlled slaves is...
Trauma - especially when it's repeated, can shatter a person's personality into pieces that don’t even know the other exists! And when this happens, the person can get so overwhelmed that they'll believe and do anything they're told.
Black Magicians have known this for millennia.
Satanic Rituals often include sacrifice - even human sacrifice - where the trauma of taking a life can be enough to force you to disconnect from the horror unfolding before you. You simply can't cope.

Mengele was shocked how easily real-life horrors, like torture, could completely mess with what people believe. Then the researchers working on the CIA's MK Ultra project discovered something even more diabolical: you can get the same ability to manipulate without actually having to hurt them.

The MK Ultra program figured out that just by watching traumatic stuff on TV, we end up with our minds wide open to suggestion, so they can twist our beliefs around without needing to ever lay a finger on us.

The power of televised trauma to manipulate belief systems without physical harm gave the CIA the perfect delivery mechanism to infect us all with the Mind Virus.

They infect us with the Mind Virus by throwing micro-traumas at us every time we watch a television program or the news.
Just flip the channel, and bam, you see it happening right in front of you.

This repeated trauma - and watching others react to it - slowly hypnotizes you into believing the world is a terrible place …

... making your mind disconnect from your emotions so you are more numb, more afraid, and way more open to being pushed around by them...

And since this is all going down deep in your subconscious, most people don't even spot it's happening, unless you know exactly what to keep an eye out for.

Then, once you've caught this Mind Virus, it's like you're under a spell. It's mind control that's as strong as the nastiest magical curses out there, leaving you wide open to having your beliefs messed with.

But here’s the good news:
There is a cure for this Mind Virus - not just for yourself, but for everyone you care for.
For centuries, just as “Black Magicians” had techniques for brainwashing people and enslaving them to their own will..

“Magicians of Light” on the other hand - the good guys -
have found ways to stop it, and to restore order and balance in our world.
The primary defense against Black Magick mind control is the “Magick of Light” - wielding solar life force and summoning higher powers in the light, rather than demons in the dark.

The Magick of Light is a scientific prayer, and just like the Mind Virus, it directly works with your subconscious mind. It combines the same mechanisms as the Mind Virus, but changes your brain in a positive way, rather than a negative one.

Not only are you setting specific intentions, but you are supercharging those intentions by bringing in higher energies from another dimension because you are doing it for the greater good.

And - with enough practice, you will connect your body and mind on a deeply spiritual level so that you CANNOT be traumatized and influenced again.
Harnessing intention, instead of distraction.

Imagination, instead of hypnosis…

Vibration, instead of chaos…

Love instead of fear…
… to rewire your subconscious mind for financial, romantic and spiritual success so that no Black Magick - no matter how strong - can keep you stuck in a life you’ve settled for.
You’ve been programmed your entire life. Now it’s time to reprogram yourself for success.
Through repetition of your own free will - nor the will of these dark masters - you can cleanse your subconscious of the years of Mind Virus programming you’ve been subject to so you can clean your mental, emotional and spiritual slate while you begin a powerful new life.

How? By physically altering your reality, using hidden laws of the Universe that most people don’t even know exist, because people like the Black Magicians behind the Mind Virus don’t want you to know.

You see, when you tap into these hidden laws the right way, it puts unimaginable power in the palm of your hands.

And - so long as you are studying the right material, and have the right people around you - you WILL gain full control of your destiny and become more powerful than you ever imagined, faster than you ever thought possible.
Before Long, You’ll Have The Power To...
Banish negative energy in any room or environment
Change your mental and emotional state in seconds
Understand the mysterious world within you
Attune yourself to the wisdom of the ages
Grasp the inner power of your subconscious mind
Expand your awareness to a higher dimension
Start living without limits of the 3rd dimension
Attain real happiness and inner peace
Achieve enlightenment of who you really are
All of these magical experiences eat away at the Mind Virus like an antibiotic, until you are cured and fully yourself again - perhaps, even for the first time ever.

I know it may sound impossible, but just as millions of Magicians across the world all agree:

Once you learn the Magick of Light, you can finally cure your mind, be at peace, take control of your life, and manifest anything you truly wanted using these proven esoteric systems - even if you’ve never considered yourself a Magician before.
Not just to help yourself… but to rescue those you love too…
The Mind Virus is just one small piece of a much larger puzzle. Other dark operations are underway to control your food and water supply, your rights, and ultimately your freedom.

The evil men behind this master plan are, in fact, high level Black Magicians who are trying to pull the world into darkness and enslave us all.
Make no mistake: This is spiritual warfare.

A holy war. And you are a soldier of the light.

Where do you think Mengele got the seed for the Mind Virus to begin with?

Both modern day mind control programing, and ancient Black Magick, both have the Mind Virus in common. They work through traumatizing someone into fracturing their personality, while the Black Magicians rob their victims of vital life energy as they serve their evil purpose - completely against their will.

In other words … mind control IS Black Magick.

Little do the evil ones know that there’s a fraternity of Magicians of Light that have been quietly performing powerful group rituals to bring down these Black Magicians for the last 14 ½ years.

That’s why thousands of Light Magicians have secretly been gathering to perform powerful ceremonies to expose these Black Magicians and bring them to justice.

How? By bringing their dark deeds into the light, because as most smart Magicians know, Black Magick only works if the person doesn’t know you’re doing it.

So the more the global masses are exposed to the activities of these dark overlords, the less power they have.

And it’s working: People are finally waking up!
The TRUTH is being exposed:
False Flag Operations: People are starting to realize that some mass shootings in the United States are actually “false flag operations” - extravagant displays of unthinkable crisis that scares and intimidates the public - usually as a distraction to something more insidious that is happening behind the scenes.
Celebrity Meltdowns: It’s commonly known that victims of trauma based mind control finally snap between ages 24 and 31, when the split personalities start to recognize each other, and the programming fails. More and more celebrities are melting down, and going to “rehab” for reprogramming, but not before the public catches wind of their insane behavior that leaves everyone confused. A sure sign that their program is failing them
Elite Pedophilia: Ritual sexual abuse of children, a common appetite for these Black Magicians, has been blown into the spotlight recently, thanks to the Epstein scandal and celebrities speaking out and sharing their unthinkable stories. The link between Hollywood and Satanism has been proven since its inception, and now their entire underworld is falling to its knees.
For the first time in history, we are WINNING this unholy war, but it’s not over yet!
Our sacred order has been underground, preparing the final blow to the evil ones so we can help save the world.

But now, we have stepped out of the shadows because the time of reckoning is upon us. As I mentioned, the next step in their agenda is to openly promote dark spirituality as a healthy alternative to the light.

But we can’t let that happen.

We know that the more GOOD people who join the fight, the stronger we get, and faster these dark giants fall.

And that’s why YOU can’t let that happen, either!

The fact you are still reading means you are here for a reason. We’ve shared a lot today, and I feel like I know you by now, so I consider you my brother.

That’s why you must understand, there is a greater purpose calling you.

In fact, it’s at your doorstep.

Now, for the first time ever - we have opened the doors to our secret online temple. And, since you’ve made it this far, you now have an opportunity unlike any other.
Like I said, my name is Leslie McQuade, and I am a leader of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the most prestigious and influential magical Mystery School of modern times (Since 1888).

Pick up any book on practical Magick, and you’re likely to find Rituals, often without attribution, plagiarized from the Golden Dawn.

Golden Dawn Magick is a non sectarian philosophy, combining the spiritual methods from essentially all Western esoteric traditions. We focus on the magical side of religions that the mainstream won’t talk about (because THEY don’t want you to know).

Everything you’ve read about today has been operating in the shadows, and for centuries, our society has kept our inner workings a secret. But now, there is no time to keep things secret anymore. And we’ve agreed to go public.

The secret is our ancient system of “The Magick of Light.”

This includes carefully crafted ceremonies with specific tones and vibrations that call upon infinite forces in the universe to create changes for the good of mankind.
Magicians believe in achieving total mastery over all 5 main areas of life, including:
Emotionally: Gain a deep inner knowing that moves you confidently through life as you conquer life’s obstacles peacefully, and with ease. You’ll become the calm in the center of any emotional storm life throws your way, as your relationships transform into unbreakable bonds.
Mentally: The secrets to manifesting the dream life you’ve always wanted so you can find peace of mind while you enjoy rapid life success, using proven techniques for visualization, meditation, and goal achievement that have stood the test of time.
Psychically: Unlock a true inner awareness you lost when you were young, and unleash new psychic abilities you didn’t know you have. You’ll experience a sense of heightened awareness that sharpens your intuition, inspires new creativity, and channels accurate answers into your heart and brain the moment you ask.
Physically: How to attain youthful energy and boost your vitality and health. You’ll feel more joy in life through simple techniques that dispel stress and allow your body to heal itself naturally from almost any ailment.
Spiritually: Awaken to the true nature of the universe and realize who you really are and why you were created. Develop an inner knowing of who you are on a deeper level, and operate your life from a higher vibration so you have the wisdom, insight, capacity and understanding you need.
William Butler Yeats, Poet and Nobel laureate

Bram Stoker, Author of Dracula

Florence Farr, Famous Actress And Women’s Emancipation Activist

Pamela Coleman Smith, Artist and co-creator of the world's most popular Tarot deck (Rider-Waite)

S. L. MacGregor Mathers, founder of Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Alpha Ωmega

Moina Mathers (Bergson), founder, Alpha Ωmega and sister of French artist Henri Bergson

Dion Fortune, founder, Inner Light (a mystical society)

Paul Foster Case, founder, Builders Of The Adytum (a magical order)

A. E. Waite, co-creator of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck (the most popular one)
The list goes on, filled with extraordinary men and women who’ve changed the world.

And now, as an initiate of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn - you now have the chance to walk amongst these men and women, and live an extraordinary life.
There are several grades of initiation that you will graduate to over time, and thanks to the modern miracles of the Internet, we can now enroll new initiates and train them in the ways of high Magick from anywhere in the world!

Each new grade you reach will unlock a brand new online course. You can go as fast or as slow as you want.

You WILL be tested at each round to prove you have mastered each level and are ready for the more advanced secrets ahead of you. And with 612 lessons total, you can go at your own pace, and radically transform your life.
As a new Neophyte initiate, you’ll discover things like... 
Master the hidden natural laws guiding every outcome in your life, empowering you to effortlessly overcome fear, failure, and frustration.
Unlock the secret alchemy of desire to rapidly manifest abundance and transform your aspirations into reality across every aspect of your life.
Discover simple techniques to awaken latent forces within your body, shifting the tide of life so events unfold in your favor effortlessly, allowing you to achieve more with minimal strain.
Learn to dissolve deep-seated parental conflicts within your psyche to free yourself from the invisible chains of past failures and open the door to newfound success and self-fulfillment.
Discover the secret technique to purge your ego of all negativity and unlock the immense potential of your true self for a life filled with greater purpose and fulfillment.
Unveil worlds beyond our physical confines to accelerate your spiritual development and attain true freedom using this secret technique. 
Master the art of wielding a Magick wand to direct positive energies and learn the technique of using daggers to effectively banish negative forces, ensuring your environment is safeguarded against malevolent influences.
Experience the transformative impact of specific rituals, designed to generate tangible effects in both your mind and body, enhancing your overall well-being and spiritual connection.
Unleash the powers of your imagination, so you can visualize your goals with crystal-clear precision and manifest your desires at an unprecedented pace, unlocking new realms of possibility and achievement in your life.
Unlock the secrets of "scrying," a visionary technique to validate the accuracy and authenticity of your visions, empowering you to distinguish your inner truth from the clutter of modern mental programming and delusional memories, thus clarifying your path forward.
Learn to communicate, test, and verify the authenticity of otherworldly entities encountered in visions and dreams, a crucial skill to eliminate self-deception, self-sabotage, and self-destructive beliefs, paving the way for a clearer, more empowered existence.
Unlock the secrets of Ritual Magick and Inner Alchemy to embark on a transformative journey and discover your true essence beyond the confines of ego and physicality, leading to unparalleled self-discovery and enlightenment.
Discover the authentic blessing technique to channel divine energy directly into your being to revitalize your spirit and body beyond conventional boundaries—knowledge the mainstream doctrines keep hidden.
Unlock two secret rituals that purify your body, heart, and mind from all negative influences, enabling you to consciously choose your emotions and reclaim control from external forces.
Unlock the profound secrets of the "holy pentagram," mastering its sacred applications to reshape your surroundings and assert dominion over your life's circumstances.
Discover a straightforward method to monitor your magical journey, ensuring your mentor can guide you to exponentially enhance your abilities and achievements.
Learn to dismantle the remnants of your "old self" and pave the way for the emergence of a new, empowered you, destined for greatness and capable of surpassing your current limits.
Learn to harness the hidden ways of the universe and your mind to gain insight, access tools to reshape your reality, overcome unseen obstacles, and align yourself with the flow of cosmic energy, turning challenges into stepping stones for success.
Uncover the profound insights of Astrology Magick and the four elements (air, earth, fire, and water). Harness their unique energies for personal transformation and empowerment. Gain insights far beyond what any standard horoscope can reveal.
Master the "fourfold breath" technique to instantly calm a racing mind, achieve laser-like focus, and transform post-work stress into a state of deep concentration and productivity.
Discover a simple finger technique to banish obsessive or disturbing thoughts in under 90 seconds, granting you immediate relief and mental clarity, and empowering you to remain composed and focused in any situation.
Learn to summon powerful archangels for divine protection and insight, to shield yourself from negativity and enrich your mind with celestial wisdom.
Harness "ritual symbolism" to channel divine beings into your essence, elevate your consciousness with an indescribable infusion of love and light, and transform your spiritual experience into one of profound enlightenment and inner peace.
How to call upon all four elements to shift the energy of any situation to your favor - and any person you need protection from - so things work out for you automatically.
Unearth the five sacred types of holy crosses, each with its unique significance and energy-altering powers, to enhance your spiritual resonance and unlock deeper layers of mystical protection and empowerment.
And it all starts during a LIVE ceremony we perform FOR you that initiates you into our secrets, as a brother (or sister) for life.

It all begins with virtual initiation as you progress through our Outer Order grades using Ritual Magick.

You’ll also be invited for physical, in person initiations that follow our ancient traditions so you can get the absolute most out of your magical work.
But that’s just the beginning…
After you complete your Neophyte training, you’ll graduate to...
Zelator Grade: Continue your magical journey learning the art of invocation, establishing your first connections with angelic entities to guide and protect you as you embark on this path.
Theoricus Grade: Explore the Lower Astral plane with "Spirit Vision." enhancing your psychic sensitivity and intuition, while learning to test visions to avoid self-deception.
Practicus Grade: "Assume" Egyptian God Forms with a method that opens powerful conduits of divine energy that connects you with deep wells of wisdom and power for personal and spiritual growth.
Philosophus Grade: Master the Tarot for foresight and clarity, transforming uncertainty into actionable insights. Enhance your clairvoyance, integrating these visions into your daily life for guided decision-making and a path aligned with higher wisdom.
Portal Grade: Initiating Astral Projection, you embark on a journey that not both enhances your magical and spiritual practices and profoundly transforms your understanding of yourself and the universe, paving the way for a life of deeper meaning and enlightenment.
Imagine… harnessing real Magick powers to clear out negativity and open doors to abundance that truly transforms your life—far beyond the realms of any fantasy game.

Envision walking into your workplace tomorrow, armed with profound knowledge that sets you apart, secrets that elevate your standing and mystify your colleagues...

Picture those from your past who doubted you, now looking on in amazement at your transformation, wishing for a sliver of the respect you've earned...

Visualize achieving financial milestones that once seemed out of reach as you manifest not just the job, but the career of your dreams, the vehicle that matches your style, the home that reflects your essence, and the fulfillment of your deepest desires...

Contemplate a life shared with a partner who truly sees you, one who values and uplifts you, helping you evolve into the finest version of yourself...

Think of the weight of your worries dissolving as you unlock profound cosmic truths, offering a fresh, empowering perspective on your life’s journey...

Consider the moment of revelation when you finally grasp your destiny, feeling the surge of your true power for the very first time.

And it doesn’t make a difference if you've been down on your luck, with a history that seems filled more with losses than wins.

Nor does it matter if you're already a powerful Magician, commanding respect and manifesting without uttering a single word.

It’s irrelevant if you’ve felt disconnected from the spiritual world or if the concept of Magick has never resonated with you before…

Even if you've brushed off Magick as just fanciful "woo woo" – a fantasy without substance…

Or perhaps deep inside, you've sensed a unique calling, a whisper of greatness that you've yet to answer – this is your moment to step forward.

All these experiences – they're part of your journey, not barriers. They shape, but do not define, what you can achieve.

What truly matters is the ember of curiosity that glows within you, the courage you muster to take a step into the unknown, and the openness of your mind to embark on a learning adventure.

As soon as you cross the threshold of initiation, you'll tap into a wellspring of truths so profound that they will irrevocably alter your perception of life. Immediately, you’ll begin to notice shifts in your perception, a newfound clarity in your thoughts and decisions, as the first steps on this journey start to unfold.

Forget what was – envision what can be. Your journey to lifetime success is not just a dream. It's a path that awaits your first decisive step. This initiation is your gateway, a simple process that starts with your commitment to change, leading you through the basics of Magick, grounding you in practices that yield tangible results from the start.

To begin your initiation, simply click the button below. Register on the next page, and step into our private and secure membership area. Your journey to lifelong success starts now, just two minutes away.
 You’ll discover ancient laws of the universe and how to use them. 
 You’ll perform your magical ceremonies and experience their power. 
 You’ll unlock 'manifesting' powers you didn’t know you had... 
And here’s the best part: You’ll never have to go at it alone!
Aside from our secret community and making connections in our global network, you’ll be joined in initiation into the Order by …
 As a new initiate, you will be paired with a mentor who has once stood exactly where you stand now and will accompany you on your journey to greatness. This personalized guidance is crucial because you're on the brink of uncovering secret, arcane knowledge that will transform your life.

You’ll delve into the world of rituals, ceremonies, tools, astrology, tarot, pronunciation of Divine Names, and much more. Naturally, you’ll have questions about how these elements integrate into your practice and daily life.

Instead of navigating these waters alone, your mentor, an experienced Magician, will be there to answer your "how" and "why" questions, ensuring you understand not just the steps, but the purpose behind each practice. This one-on-one support means you'll avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your learning, making your journey smoother and more insightful.

Your mentor is handpicked just for you, considering your unique path and current stage in your spiritual journey. This centuries-old tradition of mentorship is designed to propel you beyond the standard learning curve, offering insights and shortcuts that would take years to discover on your own.

Moreover, your mentor will be your sounding board, offering feedback on your progress, tailoring advice to your specific needs, and even challenging you to reach higher, ensuring your path to enlightenment is as enriching as it is efficient.

This level of personalized support and shared wisdom from someone who has successfully navigated the path you’re just beginning is invaluable. It's not just about having a guide; it's about having a dedicated partner in your pursuit of greatness. Your mentorship experience will be a transformative process, equipping you with not just knowledge, but confidence and a deeper understanding of the magical world around you. 
Included When You Enroll Today!
Two Distinct Live Magick Intensive Webinars Every Month
Total Value: $197.00
Each month, you'll dive deep with two specialized webinars: one focused on Ritual Magick Coaching and another where you explore key topics relevant to the Golden Dawn tradition such as astrology, tarot, cosmic magick, and the wisdom of ancient mystery schools. This dual approach ensures a comprehensive exploration of magickal practices tailored to every level of experience.

The Ritual Magick Coaching webinar is designed to guide you through the intricacies of ritual magick, offering step-by-step instruction and feedback that benefits novices by laying a solid foundation and advanced practitioners by refining and expanding their skills.

In the second monthly webinar, we delve into varied Golden Dawn topics, ensuring that every initiate, regardless of their proficiency, finds value and deepens their understanding. From astrology to tarot, and cosmic magick, these sessions bring to light the rich tapestry of esoteric knowledge that the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is renowned for.

Get LIVE Q & A feedback from high-level initiates, offering real on-the-ground insights. These hour-long calls strike the perfect balance—intimate enough for personal attention, yet diverse enough to foster a vibrant community of magickal talent. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned magician, these webinars are structured to support your journey at every stage, empowering you to achieve mastery and make significant life changes.

You'll leave each session more knowledgeable and confident, backed by the support of a community that ensures you stay the course to attain the results you desire.

Unlock the secrets of ancient wisdom and contemporary magickal practice with content that spans the breadth of beginner basics to advanced techniques.
Get This For FREE When You Enroll In The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn Today!
Included When You Enroll Today!
Exclusive Access To 'Initiates Only' Community Forum
Total Value: $197.00
You’ll gain full support from our exclusive community with 24-hour access to our international forums. Here, in this sacred space, we unite as a society to explore new breakthroughs in our Magick and philosophy.

Brothers and sisters from every corner of the globe, who share the same values and pursuit of enlightenment, are ready to welcome you with open arms. This isn’t just a forum; it’s a family of like-minded souls, here to answer your questions, share in your journey, and provide the encouragement you need to face your demons and illuminate your path to enlightenment.

In this community, friendships are formed in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Together, you'll celebrate victories, navigate challenges, and grow not just as magicians but as individuals bonded by a profound connection.

With the combined power of this private community, a place where deep bonds of friendship and a familial sense of belonging thrive, you’ll make more tangible progress over the next year than you’ve experienced in the last decade of your life. In the company of friends who become family, you’ll discover that the path to mastering Magick is a journey best shared.
Get This For FREE When You Enroll In The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn Today!
Free Gifts When You Enroll Today!
5 Rare Hermetic Texts For Activating Miracles
Total Value: $296.00
And that's not all...

As part of your initiation, you'll embark on a crash course in Ritual Magick, powered by these 5 Rare Hermetic Texts designed to catalyze your journey to higher levels of understanding and interaction with more potent entities and energies. Each text is a key component of your comprehensive learning experience, carefully curated to ensure you activate miracles in your practice.

Free Gift #1: The Principles of Hermetic Philosophy
Dive into the foundational secrets that form the core of our curriculum. Learn the Laws of the Human Soul to unlock miraculous powers of manifestation. This book reveals secret knowledge, now directly tied to our program’s teachings, in a digital format for the first time. A $49 value!
Free Gift #2: The Laws of Occult Science
What is Magick, and how does it function within our universe? This text complements our training by exploring the universal laws powering Magick, offering insights into the ancient Science of spiritual ascent. A $49 value!
Free Gift #3: Magick: Natural and Divine
Tackle the big questions about faith and Magick's role in transcending worldly illusions. This book provides a deep dive into concepts discussed in our forums, illustrating the differences between religious devotion and magickal practice. A $49 value!
Free Gift #4: The Science of Miracles
Explore Thaumaturgy with a guide that unearths mysteries covered in our intensive webinars. From the Sphinx to the secret Word of ancient magic schools, this text enables seekers to realize the truth behind all miracles. A $49 value!
Free Gift #5: The Ultimate Magick Beginner's Cheat-Sheet!
Accelerate your progress through our Order with a cheat-sheet that encapsulates the Neophyte corpus of higher knowledge. This concise, potent guide fast-tracks your understanding of the fundamental principles we explore together, ensuring you can swiftly navigate through the grades. A unique tool offered only to our initiates, this cheat-sheet is invaluable for both new and advanced practitioners looking to enhance their practice with the core insights of our teachings. A $99 Value!
Each of these gifts has been thoughtfully selected to not only enrich your magical knowledge but to seamlessly integrate with and enhance the coursework of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. They represent vital tools in your journey, offering practical insights and advanced theoretical knowledge that directly complement the live webinars, forum discussions, and ritual practices that constitute our comprehensive program.

By incorporating these texts into your studies, you're not just learning about Magick; you're actively engaging with the very essence of Hermetic and occult wisdom that has been passed down through centuries. This crash course in Ritual Magick, embodied in these five rare texts, is designed to propel you toward achieving tangible miracles and unlocking a deeper understanding of the universe and your place within it.

Welcome to a transformative path of enlightenment, where each step is guided by the profound wisdom of the ages, and every advancement brings you closer to realizing your true potential.
Get These For FREE When You Enroll In The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn Today!
Free Gift When You Enroll Today!
A Golden Dawn Blade Of Magick Power
Total Value: $197.00

From the legendary Excalibur to the present day, Magick blades have been indispensable allies, bestowing supernatural aid and heroic strength upon their wielders.

Wielding this blade in your Magick rituals, you'll immediately sense its profound energy coursing through you, a tangible force that intensifies with each use.

Claim your indispensable tool for victory and protection.

As a dagger, it empowers you to dispel malevolent forces obstructing your path, allowing you to cleanse the Mind Virus and manifest success with unwavering confidence.

As a short-sword of protection, it enables you to command authority over and repel demonic forces that might threaten you, your loved ones, or humanity—protecting against unseen dangers lurking in the shadows.

Recognizing the essential role of a Magick blade in ritual work, your enrollment will be complemented with an exclusive Golden Dawn Magick Blade.

This isn't just any blade; it's a stainless steel 'Defender' blade, spanning nearly 12 inches, adorned with a crown at its hilt and modeled after the venerable Rosicrucian blades of old.

Your Defender comes encased in an elegantly crafted sheath, emblazoned with the insignia of the Roman winged victory Goddess, Victoria.

Her arm outstretched, offering a laurel wreath to the victor, symbolizes the triumph you're destined to achieve in your Magickal endeavors.

This Magick Blade serves dual purposes:

Get This For FREE When You Enroll In The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn Today!
Free Gifts When You Enroll Today!
Alpha Ωmega Certificate of Authenticity PLUS Golden Dawn Initiate Card
Total Value: $197.00
Becoming a new initiate of the Hermetic Golden Dawn is not just an entry into a world of esoteric knowledge; it's an acknowledgment of your unique potential. This journey you're about to embark on is marked by a significant rite of passage, celebrated and recognized by all within our community.

Why is initiation considered such a pivotal moment? It's simple: our ranks are filled selectively, based on the recognition of innate gifts and the potential for profound personal growth. Not everyone makes this journey, making your acceptance and participation all the more meaningful.

To commemorate this milestone, we honor your commitment and achievement with an official Alpha Ωmega Certificate of Authenticity. Imagine this certificate displayed prominently in your space, a constant reminder of your dedication and the transformative path you've chosen.

Moreover, you'll receive an exclusive Golden Dawn Initiate Card. This isn't just a card; it's your passport to a global community of like-minded individuals. Whether you're traveling or connecting locally, this card signifies your belonging and grants you access to experiences and interactions reserved for our initiates.

Celebrate your initiation and carry with you a symbol of your commitment and belonging to the Order. 
Get This For FREE When You Enroll In The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn Today!
Free Gift While Supplies Last!
Secret Rosicrucian Stargate Talisman
Total Value: $197.00
Your final Special Credential is access to one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Golden Dawn: The Hermetic Rose+Cross, a symbol steeped in the rich history of mystical and alchemical traditions dating back centuries.

At first glance, you see a rose blooming on a cross. But as you look deeper, through the lens of the Golden Dawn, you are looking at a secret key to the angelic realm.

Your official Rosicrucian Cross can be worn as a necklace, placed on an altar, and used in your Magick practice every day. Integrating this talisman into your daily rituals enhances your connection to the Golden Dawn's teachings, serving as a powerful tool for meditation, invocation, and protection.

This 2” by 3 ½” stainless steel and wonderfully colored enamel cross is like having a direct phone line to over 1,000 angels you can call upon to guide and protect you.

This special talisman is one of a kind, and only 300 were ever made.

Many are gone, but the few that remain are available to you now as a new Initiate.

By embracing this talisman, you not only carry a piece of the Golden Dawn's mystical heritage but also actively engage with the energies and entities that form the foundation of our practice.

Your Magick Blade, Rosicrucian Cross, and Golden Dawn initiate info will be sent to you by mail as soon as your application is approved and arrive on your doorstep within 14 Days.

Get This For FREE When You Enroll In The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn Today!
Wow … do you feel that?

That growing tingle in your chest…

That dryness in your mouth …

That feeling of purpose that you thought was lost.

That is your soul telling you that you have finally arrived.

You’ve found the right brotherhood.
You’ve made it home.
We want to welcome you into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and plan your live initiation, so let’s wrap this up and get you started.

This Ancient Rites collection is available instantly and worth $296 in total value.

The Neophyte Welcome Kit will arrive in the mail and is a $297 value.

Normally, enrollment for Golden Dawn Magick training can be up to $149 per month. That’s $1,788 per year.

That’s a combined total of $2,383!

But you don’t have to pay $2,000

Or $1,000...

You won’t have to pay $700.

Not even $500...
Instead, for the transformative journey of a lifetime, you can begin your journey into the mysteries of the universe and learn powerful Magick to manifest anything you want in life…
...for only $297 today!
That's under less than the cost of two movie tickets each month for an entire year of access to our teachings, support, and community.

We're offering this unprecedented rate because the world needs your light, your power. We're committed to removing financial barriers, ensuring that our community grows with dedicated individuals like you.

But act fast; this message is a beacon calling you to action, and opportunities like this are rare.

There’s no time to waste, not just in living your most abundant life, but in contributing to a greater cause.
You Get When You Enroll Today!
  • Free membership in the AΩ Rosicrucian Mystery School
  • One Full Year of Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Magick training & Online Initiation
  • Unlimited Access to 612 lessons - Grade by grade in Online, PDF, Audio and Video formats.
  • Live Magick Webinars twice a month
  • Monthly Mentoring With GD Elder via email
  • Access to exclusive Golden Dawn Initiates online community
 (A $1788 value ) 
 PLUS, you’ll also get the Ancient Rites Collection as free gifts: 
  • The Laws of Hermetic Science
  • Occult Science Unveiled
  • Magick: Natural and Divine
  • The Science of Miracles
  • The Ultimate Magick Beginners Cheat Sheet
 (A $296 value ) 
PLUS, you will get our 'Neophyte Welcome Kit' directly to your mailbox:
  • Golden Dawn Magick Blade
  • Rose+Cross Stargate Talisman
  • Membership Card
  • Initiation Certificate
 (A $297 value ) 
Total Value: $2,383!
Only $297 today!
Click the “Initiate Me Now”
Button To Get Started Now!
Click the button below and you’ll be transferred to our secure shopping cart on the next page.

Fill out your information, process your order, and enter into the membership area where your Neophyte coursework, and all digital bonuses, will be waiting.

You’ll be contacted in the next few days with schedules for your webinar, forum access, and of course, your personal mentor.

You’ll receive a confidential email with instructions for your initiation.

Your magical implements will arrive in a few weeks, and you’ll begin your transformative journey, elevating your consciousness to powerful new levels.

By taking this step, you're not just joining; you're embarking on a mission for the greater good of mankind.

So go ahead. Click the “Initiate Me Now” button to get started right now.
Fight The Holy War With Zero Risk
*Guaranteed Or You Pay Nothing!*
As a new initiate, there are two ways we guarantee to keep you safe.
First, you're enveloped in protective Magick Rituals regularly performed by our order. You'll join a network of support, shielded by higher and holy powers beyond imagination. Your enrollment remains strictly confidential.

Second, we offer a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee on your enrollment. If you find this path isn't for you—for any reason—a full refund is yours, no questions asked. Just send us an email.

This guarantee is your safety net, not a stepping stone. Our secrets, ancient and profound, are shared only with those driven by a genuine desire to learn and grow.

Your leap towards becoming a Neophyte today is backed by our promise, ensuring peace of mind, whether driven by curiosity or a deep-seated call to knowledge.

There's nothing to lose but the chance to break free from the mundane, to escape the confines of an imposed reality.
And that, my friend, is something worth fighting for.
Here’s What Other Magicians Have To Say:
“I was initially skeptical about the Golden Dawn and Magick because there is so much sanctimonious, fluffy bunny stuff in the esoteric world. The effect of the Golden Dawn Neophyte initiation followed by the spiritual practices put my doubts to rest forever.”

Suso L. - Barcelona, Spain
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐   5.0 

“I have seen profound, positive transformation, not only in myself, but also in my relationships, and in others on the same Path. I have gained self-mastery, knowledge, and peace within. I have been able to let go of past issues, fine tune my innate talents, and awaken latent ones.”

Anabela P. - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐   5.0 
“I have always had reservations about any tradition promising things far beyond one's own reality, but any doubts I had were totally blown away by Golden Dawn initiation and practice. This is the real thing!”

Neal S. - Flagstaff, AZ

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐   5.0 
“The Golden Dawn has shown me that I am Master of my own Destiny, rather than merely the product of my social conditioning.”

Jacques N. - Paris, France

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐   5.0 
“I wholeheartedly recommend studying in this Order, which stands unsurpassed for its academic standards, support system and the integrity of actual physical initiations, preserving the age-old initiatic stream that I always dreamed existed.”

Derek D. - Worcester, South Africa

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐   5.0 
You've seen the truth behind the shadows, the hidden forces at play manipulating your reality through trauma.

The Mind Virus isn't just a theory; it's a reality that's been infecting the collective consciousness, designed to keep you subdued, fearful, and controlled.

You stand at a crossroads, where the choice isn't merely between two paths but between accepting a fate designed by others or reclaiming your sovereignty and power.
1. Return to Ignorance: You could close this page, try to forget everything you've learned, and continue living under the influence of the Mind Virus. But deep down, you know that ignorance isn't bliss—it's submission.
2. Rise as a Golden Dawn Initiate: Take the bold step to not only shield yourself from the Mind Virus but to become a beacon of light in a world overshadowed by manipulation. Unlock the ancient secrets held by the Golden Dawn, cleanse your being of this pervasive evil, and step into a role much greater than you've ever imagined.

The world doesn't just need heroes; it needs enlightened warriors ready to challenge the darkness with knowledge, Magick, and unwavering strength.

Click the button below and declare your stance against the unseen forces that seek to control us.

The choice is yours.
To a Future Free of Manipulation,
Leslie McQuade
Leslie M. McQuade
Chief Adept
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn AΩ
P.S. Remember: As a new initiate of the Golden Dawn, you're granted immediate access to the Neophyte grade, a carefully crafted beginning with 10 courses and 144 lessons. This is just the first step in the extensive 612-lesson journey within our outer order curriculum.

In addition, you're outfitted with a valuable collection of essential readings and resources, totaling a value of $296. Your initiation also includes the exclusive Defender Magick Blade, valued at $197; the Neophyte starter kit, also valued at $197; and the Rosicrucian Stargate Talisman, equally valued at $197.

These tools are not just aids but essential components that will enhance and empower your ritual practices from the outset. Begin this life-altering journey today for only $297 for the first year—a substantial opportunity to delve into the depths of magickal knowledge and practice, offering savings of over 80%.

Embark confidently, armed with the knowledge that your leap towards personal mastery is safeguarded by a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There's no risk, only the promise of embarking on a life-changing path and joining our mission to enlighten and protect the world.

P.P.S. Embrace the transformation waiting for you with the Golden Dawn. If you leave this page and revert to your former life...

Your journey towards self-mastery and true freedom will pause before it even begins. Continuing as you are means staying under the influence of the very systems designed to keep you from realizing your full potential.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Choosing the Golden Dawn means breaking free from these chains. It means not just discovering your greater calling but actively pursuing it, with no regrets.

Letting go now means letting the unseen forces dictate your path—a path that leads to unfulfilled potential and shared dissatisfaction.

But together, we can change the narrative. The knowledge and power you gain with us turn you not just into a seeker but a beacon of change.

Your enlightenment is our shared victory against those who wish to keep us in the dark. It's not just about fighting back; it's about rising above and leading by example.

Don’t let this moment pass. The world doesn't just need heroes; it needs Golden Dawn initiates like you.

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the Golden Dawn.
What is Magick?
Magick is more than just the Law of Attraction's principle that "thoughts create things." It is the foundation, but true Ritual Magick is the art of combining intention with action—"lightwork" with "manifesting"—to create tangible changes in the world around us.

The Golden Dawn's teachings take you beyond basic manifestation, introducing you to practices that harness your will to shape your reality.
Is the Golden Dawn evil?
Absolutely not. While you might have heard stories, the Golden Dawn is about personal growth, empowerment, and using Magick for positive change. A misguided individual once sought to tarnish our name, but our enduring legacy and commitment to the light speak volumes of our true nature. We're dedicated to uplifting our members and the world at large.
Do I really have Magick powers?
Yes, every person harbors untapped potential that, once unlocked, can lead to extraordinary abilities. Our society has often diminished these abilities, but the Golden Dawn's practices are designed to liberate you from these constraints. You'll discover how to harness your inherent powers to transform your life and the lives of those around you positively.
How do the online lessons work, and what can I expect from them?
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn provides a deeply immersive online learning experience tailored to initiates' journey through the realms of Hermetic Magick, Qabalah, Astrology, Tarot, and beyond. With a focus on both theoretical knowledge and practical application, the courses are designed to facilitate profound personal and spiritual growth.

Structure and Accessibility

Gradual Learning Curve: Starting with the Neophyte grade, which alone offers 10 courses and 144 lessons, the curriculum is thoughtfully structured grade-by-grade. This system allows initiates to progressively build their knowledge and skills on a solid foundation, ensuring a manageable learning curve.

Flexible Access: Lessons are available 24/7, granting initiates the freedom to engage with the material at their own pace and on their own schedule. This accessibility ensures that learning can be harmoniously woven into the fabric of daily life.

Interactive Elements: To deepen understanding and retention, lessons include interactive components such as journal reflection questions and recommended resources. These tools are designed to stimulate critical thinking and facilitate the application of theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.

Comprehensive Curriculum

Wide Range of Topics: Initiates can expect to explore a broad spectrum of subjects, starting with the basics of Ritual Magick and Astrology and advancing to complex teachings on the Tree of Life, Enochian Magick, and Tarot. The curriculum is comprehensive, encompassing both theory and practice across 10 distinct courses in the Neophyte grade alone.

Progressive Revelation: The learning journey is marked by a progressive unveiling of deeper esoteric teachings. As initiates ascend through the grades, they encounter increasing complexity and depth, ensuring continual growth and maintaining engagement with the material.

Practical Application

Daily Spiritual Practice: Theoretical learning is seamlessly integrated with daily spiritual practice, emphasizing the real-world application of magickal principles. Initiates are guided not only in understanding the theory behind rituals and practices but also in effectively performing them for spiritual development, protection, and manifestation.

Empowerment Through Practice: This hands-on approach ensures that initiates not only acquire knowledge but also develop the skills necessary to actively implement magick in their lives. The goal is to empower each initiate to achieve tangible results in their personal development, as well as in their broader spiritual and magickal endeavors.

Through this structured, comprehensive, and practical curriculum, initiates of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and discipline required for profound transformation and mastery of the magickal arts. The journey through the grades is not just an educational experience but a path to unlocking one's full potential and making a meaningful impact on the world.
What are the long-term benefits of becoming a Golden Dawn initiate?
Becoming a Golden Dawn initiate opens a path to profound personal transformation and deep esoteric knowledge, with benefits that extend far beyond the initial teachings and rituals. Here are some of the long-term benefits of becoming a Golden Dawn initiate:

Mastery of Magickal Practices: Initiates gain comprehensive knowledge and skills in ritual magick, divination, astrology, and other esoteric arts. This mastery allows for personal and environmental transformation, enabling initiates to manifest their desires and protect themselves and others from negative influences.

Personal and Spiritual Growth: The teachings of the Golden Dawn are designed to foster deep personal growth, self-awareness, and spiritual development. Initiates often experience a greater understanding of themselves and their place in the universe, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Access to a Supportive Community: Joining the Golden Dawn means becoming part of a global community of like-minded individuals who share a commitment to spiritual growth and magickal practice. This network provides support, friendship, and the opportunity for collaborative work, enriching the initiate's journey.

Enhanced Mental and Emotional Well-being: The practices and disciplines of the Golden Dawn can lead to improved mental clarity, emotional resilience, and a greater sense of inner peace. Initiates learn to navigate life's challenges with grace and confidence.

Cultivation of Wisdom and Knowledge: The Golden Dawn's curriculum is vast and deep, offering initiates a lifelong journey of learning. This continuous exploration of esoteric knowledge and wisdom fosters an ever-expanding understanding of the mysteries of existence.

Empowerment to Effect Change: Armed with magickal knowledge and skills, initiates are empowered to effect positive change in their lives and the world around them. Many find a renewed sense of agency and the ability to contribute to the greater good in meaningful ways.

Legacy and Tradition: Becoming a Golden Dawn initiate means becoming part of a storied tradition that has contributed significantly to the Western esoteric tradition. Initiates carry forward this legacy, ensuring the preservation and continuation of these ancient teachings for future generations.

Professional and Creative Enhancement: The disciplines taught within the Golden Dawn, such as focus, visualization, and intention, can greatly enhance professional and creative endeavors. Many initiates find that their work in the Golden Dawn enriches their careers, art, and creative problem-solving skills.

Embrace the call to transform not just your own life, but the world around you.

As a Golden Dawn initiate, you become more than a practitioner of magick; you emerge as a beacon of light amidst chaos. Seize this moment to step into a journey of profound personal and universal change.

Join us now, and illuminate your path and the paths of those around you. Click below to begin your transformative journey with the Golden Dawn today.
 The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn course is brought to you by Alpha Ωmega.
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